Pier1 Bathrooms

Sophisticated Boudoir In Shoreham

Creating a Luxurious Boudoir: The Ultimate Space for Relaxation

Our client wanted to add a real sense of luxury to their bedroom with the addition of a freestanding bath. This also provided the perfect solution to having limited space in the main bathroom to fit both the desired walk-in shower and bath tub.

They then decided to go one step further and create the ultimate space to relax and unwind by having the bath sit in its own room creating a luxurious boudoir. We choose the showstopper Waters Cloud bath, together with an elegant freestanding vanity from The Bathroom Furniture Company to fill the space and brush brass fittings to complete the look.

The dramatic impact of the dark decor and beautiful accessories that finish off the room really inject a piece of the clients personality and provide a calming and warm sanctuary for them to enjoy.

Location: Shoreham, West Sussex

Request a callback or simply speak to one of our team: 01273 713185